+256 785620262 info@bio-remediation.org

Green Micro investor (GMI) program

Green Micro investor (GMI) Program

Transport and energy sectors are some of the most polluting but also highly profitable. Whereas company executives and employees may wish to play a role in cleaning environment; there are limited options for a willing staff on a drilling ring in middle a sea to plant trees or stop their cutting. This program provides a window of opportunity for an individual to participate in safeguarding the planet. Whereas it may not be realistic to stop oil consumption; there are equally or more damaging practices that are easy to stop with immediate effect. For instant transport operators in Uganda alone use an estimated two (2) million bags of charcoal per month. At four (4) trees per bag, that translates to 8 million trees cut per month or 96 million trees annually.

Petroleum companies- mainly large conglomerates thrive at the expense of the planet. However, their services and products are what powers entire economies of nations. Without demand for their products, they could hardly exist implying majority of the urban dwellers and the affluent have a huge carbon footprint. Drawing from such unfortunate scenario we can build ecosystems that can undo or minimize the damage we inflict on the planet through green conscious production and conscious consumption. The Green Micro investor program therefore is to ensure that the investment gives a return on investment while protecting existing habitants and replenishing the lost ones.

We can also use the same ecosystem to migrate several urban, peri-urban and rural dwellers from use of bio-mass to bio-fuels or natural gas- thus saving environment.

The GMIs therefore may be employees of airlines, oil drilling companies, taxi drivers or any climate conscious citizen among others. Their investment may be guaranteed by the company but the innovative component is human-to-human touch that individualizes conservation efforts and de-carbonization of the planet through individual effort. This is brings in efficiency and ease of execution and removes the aspect of excessive misuse of the resources. Funds invested by UN and other multi-lateral agencies are lost through bureaucracies of such large institutions and governments. Despite loud and big talk habitats and ecosystems continue to crumble at alarming rate and temperatures are rising all over the planet. The GMIs approach addresses this challenge where a beehive becomes the link between the GMIs, JoGAs and HFs. The GMIs are of two categories: The International and local class. The International category may double as a consumer of the said honey or honey product while the local one may participate in tree planting.

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1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220


+256 785620262