+256 785620262 info@bio-remediation.org

Green stars and imminent personality partners (GSAIPS)

Green stars and imminent personality partners (GRISIPs)

Uganda has over one million motorcycles and around 300,000 active taxi drivers (matatus) that ply national routes on daily basis. At an average of three (3) liters per day; these mini transporter units (motorcycles) pump an estimated 3000 MT of carbon into the atmosphere on daily basis; that is Approximately 1.1 million tons of carbon per year. The taxi (matutus) drivers put almost the same quantity annually in the atmosphere (1.1 MT).   The damage done by this group to nature is so extensive that any applicable tool and means should be applied to stop it.

The idea of the GRISP is to mobilize members of the transport sector as green co-investors in beehives, energy to waste, clean energy use, have them as producers and  promoters of such clean energy  and most importantly to make them ‘climate change conscious’. The GRISP acts as the anchor and the glue to keep the RAD groups together, a confidence builder, a financial backer & advisor and an inspirational figure. Such partnership gives them a sense of belonging, hope and a ground to make wise, informed decisions- the GRISP is the brain and group driver. The GRISP purpose is threefold:  Economic/occupational, energy use and mind migration of the members of the transport sector.

BRS Ltd shall provide the tools and create environment where GRISPS and RADS relationship results translate into environmental awareness, profitability of the green enterprise they jointly own, improved use of clean energy, conservation and regeneration of lost habitats.  Upon achieving this milestone; the group numbering almost two million people is turned into a force to regenerate millions of acres of degraded forest and marshland areas.

In sub Saharan Africa and most of the developing world; the idea of climate change is relegated to a few policy makers, NGOS, academics, activists, financiers from western world who meet regularly to present how the situation is moving from bad to worse worsening. The model shifts the responsible to the very people doing the damage but this time; they are positioned to generate profit from best environmental friendly economic activities.

Unless the population and working poor who are the majority are mobilized to appreciate and profit from conservation, clean energy use and environmental regeneration; environmental degradation can hardly be checked.  This business model opens this door where the GRISPs act as the anchors of environmental sanity. They can also help open markets for forest farmed products and keeps the members engaged.

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1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220


+256 785620262