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Grisps and RaDs Co-investments

GRISPS and RaDs Co-investments

RaDs make up a section of the population the UN Private sector Commission headed by Mr Paul Martin (former Prime Minister Canada) called the “working poor”. Whereas they have income, it is never enough to do something substantial. One of the undesirable outcomes of such livelihood is perpetual dependency on biomass (firewood and charcoal). In the commission’s report titled: “Unleashing entrepreneurship- making markets work for the poor”.  It details how businesses can be used to solve global challenges.  The idea of a GRISP is to “make markets work for nature and the society” and subsequently the nucleus of intelligent, circular green economy.

There are two main areas of co-investment:

  1. Beehives: Where each RaD member owns at least 10 beehives. For two million individuals, this translates to 20 million beehives. At a minimum of 100 trees being planted per year; 2 billion trees can be planted annually. For host farmers (HFs and GMIs), that achieve the target of 1000 trees per year; their honey would attract a premium price- the GRISPs are couched on how to play this green marketing role. This can be worked out with airlines where the honey can be sold through airport lounges, on board of airlines and be purchased by airlines themselves. The RaDs may double as some of the GMIs. Whereas the RaDs may provide the necessary manpower; the key constraints may include availability of land, tree seedlings and draught. Trees are mainly planted during rainy season. It is worth noting that beehives protect existing trees and support planting of new ones.


  1. Waste to Energy plants: BRS Ltd is working with two co-partners who are ready and willing to provide proven technology that coverts plastics and organic waste into black carbon and bio-fuels. The 100-120 tons per day capacity plant costs around US$56 million. Kampala, Uganda largest city produces an estimated 1500 tons of waste meaning it requires around 15 plants. Populating forests with beehives means there will be shortage of forest sourced charcoal; the Waste to Energy (W2E) plants products would be a replacement. The 2 million RaDs in groups of 10,000 individuals. This means that they make up 200 groups. So each group shall be facilitated to co-invest and co-own a waste to energy plant. The factor of numbers is crucial. The groups will further be guided in collection of waste to feed respective plants where they own shares. Black carbon (charcoal) produced by same plants will be consumed by these micro owners as anchor consumers in addition to the general public. Same will apply to the bio-fuels; where their taxis and motorcycles will be powered by the bio-fuel produced by the respective W2E plants.

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+256 785620262